Thursday, October 30, 2008

First few days of work

Tuesday was my first day of work, and really, you could’ve barely called it work. Cecile came to look for me at the train station. I may have not explained it before, but the family lives in a small town called Cap d’Ail, right next to Monaco (as in you walk 3 blocks and you’re IN Monaco). So to get there, I have to take the train or the bus from downtown Nice, either is a 10 minute walk from my apartment. She came to get me at the station, and since it was a gorgeous day out (24 degrees… how’s the weather in Vancouver??) we took the kids to a small park with inflatable jumping houses right on the beach- in Monaco. Cecile explained to me that since Iannis works there, and it’s closer than Nice, they spend a lot of time in Monaco for their shopping, going out to restaurants, etc.
Lisa, the little girl I look after, went to play in the castles (after her mom paid TWENTY EUROS to have her play there for 3 hours) while Cecile , the baby Sacha and I sat on a table in the restaurant next to the play area. We ordered Diet Cokes (She is also in love with it, sign from the universe I’m really really supposed to be here!), and sat in the Mediterranean sun, watching the ocean, and talking about each others’ lives. She’s a super amazing lady, who studied law and practiced it for 5 years before quitting after she had Lisa. It’s not really like they need the money, since Iannis has his own investment company and works with the Stock (and yes, is stressed right now with the crisis). But anyhow, it was so surreal for me to be sitting in a gorgeous sandy beach in Monaco, being paid to talk to this amazingly nice person, and with two super kids. Monaco is gorgeous, but a little overwhelming to the senses, since there are buildings everywhere. We definitely drove by the Montecarlo Casino, and saw the Prince Albert’s castle on the peak of one of the mountains. I will be going back with regularity, so don’t worry I’ll be telling you more about it. Iannis came to meet us for lunch, and then we went back to the apartment.
So far, I have really enjoyed being with the kids. Lisa is a firecracker of a 2 year old, and listening to her talk in her little French accent is the cutest thing ever. She likes to play doctor, cook (we made crepes together!), and anything artsy. Sacha, the baby, is an angel. He rarely cries, always laughs, and is happy just to be hanging out with all of us.
As predicted, I’ve definitely been exhausted after each day of work, not because it’s hard, but because it’s a big change from what I was doing in Nantes. I haven’t had any huge adventures, but I’m definitely just loving the atmosphere of the city, and having my independence again (I missed living alone!!). I went to the open air market today and bought fresh produce, fresh fish, cheese, olive oil, and bread… I wish I could take back all the amazing food to Canada! Annndd, the cheap wine. A good bottle of wine costs between 2.50-3 euros, so I’ve become quite a connoisseuse, and at a cheap price!
My new address is:

Maria Ruiz chez Bok Invest
10 Boulevard de Bouchage
Nice 06000

Hope to get mail soon, so I can use my new mail key!

1 comment:

mema said...

Hola Mi negra linda, Ojala no te a acomedes tanto tanto que no te guste mas la vida aqui~ porque si no me va a tocar hacer el esfuerzo de ir a acomodarme yo en esa vida tan dura!
Besos, te extrano mucho!