Thursday, November 6, 2008

A tourist in my own city

Coming on my 2 weeks in Nice, I've still really loved my work, but now it's starting to sink in that I don't really know anyone, and that it might take some extra effort on my part (why not walk up to strangers on the road and introduce myself???) to start building a social circle in this lovely city. Yet, I've really enjoyed balancing what I call the incognito-tourist lifestyle. This lifestyle I discovered a bit of in Nantes, but I'm really becoming a pro here in Nice. Let me explain a bit...

When you move to a new city, you're always excited to see the sights, get to know your surroundings, and discover all the hidden treasures your new abode has to offer. For me, I have a really big passion for sharing with everyone back at home what I'm living right here. This, no matter how many pictures I take, and how many blogs I type, is MY experience, and it's hard to convey to all of you... yet, I get out there and I try to be detailed with my descriptions so that you can see and feel a little of what I'm experiencing. So, to do that, I explore and take pictures... but I don't really want the people who live here to see me as a tourist. Firstly, it's not the safest for me as a young woman, alone, to be seen with a camera and looking all gazey and in love with the city. Also, I want to really LIVE here, and not be treated like someone who is just passing by. To do that, I have to be stealth when it comes to my touristy actions. These are the things you should always avoid:
1) Wear a backpack
2) Walk really really slowly so that you're holding back the pedestrian traffic behind you, and people start pushing by to get through.
3) Walk around with your mouth open in awe... even if you really are in awe.
4) Walk with the camera in your hand.
5) Avoid all souvenir shops.

So, I've been perfecting this technique, and today when I went to the place of the Vieux Chateaux, no one could have mistaken me for a tourist! This, my friends, is being an Incognito Tourists. I'm getting to see all the sights, but without jumping out as a tourist target.

I've been doing a couple interesting things. Sunday, there was a series of concerts hosted by the city of Nice, and I went to see the Orchestra of Montecarlo (from Monaco) at the Acropolis theatre. The classical live music was sublime and moving, and I really enjoyed the Opera soloists as well. I feel very cultured when I do things like that... I vow to myself that I will do them more often when I go back to Canada!

Then today, like I mentioned, I went to the place of the old chateaux. It was first a Celtic fortress in the 11th century, until the Sardinians came in, and built it into a modernized version of what it is right now. Later, Louis XIV destroyed it, and all that is left nowadays is the parks, the fortress walls, and some archeological ruins. Not to mention, the best view of Nice, since it sits atop the highest point in the city. See the pics on Facebook!

Weather-wise, I haven't had anything to brag about. It's been a rainy 10 days.. there is a huge storm front going through all of France right now, and 5 departments in the interior have sustained serious flooding from the Loire (just imagine the 3 months of rain squeezed into 5 days of raining, and you'll get a picture of what these people are dealing with). Here, we've had some big electrical storms, one which left 1.5 million people-including myself- powerless for 6 hours Monday morning. Right now as I write there is another big storm going on.. the thunder is so loud the glass on the windows is actually shaking, not a word of a lie!

Aside from drowning in the rain, I've been working lots, and still loving every moment of it. Yesterday, Cecile informed me that we'll be taking a couple family vacations during my stay. The first, is scheduled in late Dec or early Jan, to Switzerland. The other, is a 2 week getaway to a rented villa in Tuscany, Italy. I'm telling you.. life is ROUGH out here.
This is all for now, hope you enjoyed the update and the pics that are now up!


Morgane said...

Hey Maria! I miss you so much. YOu are so incredibly cute with your tips on how to be an incognito tourist...I am sure you are fooling the locals...go girl!
Take care,
Morgane :)

mema said...

Si Fer, dura , dura tu vida! Ojala mas adelante se te mejore un poquito!
Te quiero Mema